Lucky charms and talismans to make money

In many cultures and practices there is a concept of magical objects. They are able to endow a person with wealth and bring him good luck. Such a powerful talisman can be purchased or made yourself.

How these amulets work

Various items are endowed with magical properties that allow them to attract good luck, wealth and prosperity. These can be live talismans (fish, plants, animals) or man-made.

The most powerful are natural objects and handmade amulets.

Regardless of type, these magical items are capable of reading their owner's thoughts and sending a signal to higher powers. They collect the necessary energy and transfer it to the owner.The main condition for their operation is the effort on the part of the owner. If it starts to act in some direction, the amulet will multiply the investment.

The main tasks facing the talisman:

  • Attracting "good" people and removing envious people from the environment and hindering promotion.
  • By strengthening intuition, a person sees which path will give him the best chance of good luck.
  • Fulfillment of cherished wishes.
  • Professional growth and salary increase.
  • Luck attraction, lottery winnings.
  • Opening up new opportunities.
  • Attraction of favorable circumstances and opportunities.
  • Improve mood, self-confidence.

What amulets bring good luck

There are many talismans that attract the energy of luck and success. They belong to different cultures, have their own requirements for use. Magic items can be purchased ready-made or handmade.

Hand of Fortune

hand amulet of luck

The talisman is also known as the "hand of Fatima" or "the hand of Miriam". One of the ancient symbols that looks like an open palm. At the same time, it visually appears that the hand has two thumbs on both sides and the little finger is missing.Usually decorated with traditional ornaments, the eye sign or the star of David.It is often used as a metal pendant, but can be painted on the details of clothing or interior design and can serve as a tattoo.

Rune Amulets of Fortune

Scandinavian symbols have a strong magical effect. They can be applied on a sheet of paper and taken with you, displayed on a plate to hang at home, on pendants, bracelets. The symbols are drawn one at a time, from them an inscription or runic ligature is made, where the elements overlap and form a pattern. The most effective wooden amulets, you can also use leather, stone. Strongest Runes of Fortune:

  1. Fehu, Dagaz, Otal (welfare, finance);
  2. Algiz, Hagall, Turisaz (good luck from above);
  3. Vunyo (joy and success);
  4. Soulou, Teyvaz (victory in any area).

Tibetan amulet of great luck

It is a circle with an image inside the name or symbol of the deity Vaishravan (Dzambala, Kubera).Attracts unexpected luck in financial affairs, confers unplanned enrichment.The sign is used as an element of a pendant, a bracelet, a ring, a painting on walls or canvases, underwear.

Slavic amulets bring good luck

Slavic amulet of good luck

The Slavs have long used pagan symbols to attract the success of the owner, the popularity of such amulets is high even now. Symbols can be embroidered on clothes, depicted on walls, stone pendants, wood, embossed on leather details.The most common signs to attract good luck: yarovik, ladinets, kres, kolovrat, Belobog.


One of the most famous talismans. A horseshoe hung over the door with the points pointing up is believed to gather magical energy and not cause it to "leak" out of the house.The amulet, placed outside with the horns lowered, allows to "pour" the negative from those who want evil to the family beyond the threshold, protects from damage. Also, to attract success, a talisman is carried with him or fixed in the form of a tattoo. The symbol is made of metal (gold variants are particularly effective), less often wood, leather and stone.


The plant with four petals is rare and is considered a magical talisman in many cultures. According to popular belief, it brings good luck in any business, attracts love, financial success, protects from the evil eye and relieves bad thoughts. The most effective is considered to be a natural talisman found accidentally, which is eaten, dried or poured with epoxy.

Can be worn in a wallet or as a pendant, placed above a door or under a threshold. A tattoo with this symbol is also often used.

Rabbit's foot

rabbit foot

In many cultures, the rabbit's foot is considered a powerful amulet that attracts success because it accumulates the energy of the element "Earth".In this case, the amulet will become happy only if certain conditions are met.Some believe it should only be the left hind leg, others just the animal that is killed at night (optionally, with a full moon, in a cemetery or by a cross-eyed person).

Cat's eye

The name originally belonged to the mineral chrysoberyl. On its surface you always see a strip of reflected light, a glow that resembles a cat's pupil. Subsequently, it was noted that some types of tourmaline, quartz, sillimanite, jade and diopside have similar properties.It is believed that the "eye" observes and collects the information and energy of space and transfers it to the owner. The stone can be hung on a chain, placed in a ring or in earrings or simply carried in a wallet.


This red-backed insect is believed to live in the sky and occasionally descend to earth.The cow brings luck given from above, you can also convey wishes to God with her. A living talisman must communicate her petition and let her go, and artificial options can be used in the form of a pendant, brooch, picture or wallpaper, a small statuette.

Japanese Good Luck Amulet

Talismans are known by the name omamori. These are cloth bags of about 4-7 cm, in which prayers or sacred wishes are placed. The texts are written on paper or wooden tablets.Omamori of the following types is responsible for luck:

  • shiawase;
  • caiun;
  • shobai hanjo;
  • enmumubi.

The amulets created and loaded in the temples are considered effective, but you can sew such a talisman with your own hands.

Chinese feng shui lucky charm

Chinese amulets

Chinese practice suggests using various talismans to achieve success, happiness and financial well-being.The most famous Feng Shui amulets:

  1. Hottey.
  2. Chinese coins.
  3. Mandarin ducks.
  4. Arawana fish.
  5. Turtle;
  6. Sailboat;
  7. Dragon;
  8. Horse.

A talisman in the shape of a statuette of an elephant with a raised trunk is also effective. It should be placed on the window (sill), head towards the glass, so that it will attract good luck into the house. All talismans should be placed in a strictly designated area in Feng Shui.

Spiral of Fortune

The spiral has been used as a magic sign since ancient times.It symbolizes "compressed" energy, constant movement, new perspectives. The amulet attracts luck, but will require the work of the owner himself. The spiral is especially useful for success in work and in new business. It can be embroidered or painted on clothes, spirals on plates, wallpaper, and even as a pendant are acceptable.

Lucky Amulet Doll

doll amulet for good luck

Refers to the Slavic talismans, attracts luck, cash flow, good luck in personal life.It is better to make a doll with your own hands from hay or straw, fabric, ribbons, decorate with embroidery, gems. It should be small to carry with you, arms raised, a long braid and no face.

Types of talismans to attract money

The amulets of money, depending on the type, are carried with you, put in a wallet or placed in the south-eastern area of ​​the room that is responsible for wealth. You can place figurines and figurines both in the apartment and in the office.

Suitable options for creating a mascot would be a desktop, living room, you shouldn't install it in a bathroom, bedroom, hallway.

Imperial amulet brings luck and wealth

The first such talisman was conspired by a monk on behalf of Peter I. The minister of the church used a coin created for the emperor to attract good luck in the sovereign's struggle for the throne and suppress the revolt. Modern amulets can be made from any coin, preferably old. A hole is made in the talisman and used as a pendant.


goldfish for good luck

This Chinese symbol represents prosperity in the financial sector and attracts wealth. The fish as a whole for oriental practices is a sign of money and the effect is enhanced by the golden tone and the water in which they live.The last two elements for the Chinese symbolize wealth and prosperity.Fish can be both alive and painted and also represent magical figures.

Coin tree

It is the personification of the World Tree, a symbol of abundance, fertility and prosperity. The talisman can be made with your own hands from wire, coins, preferably Chinese and covered with gold paint. This amulet can be installed both at home and in the office.

Money Frog

This feng shui figurine brings wealth and prosperity. Outwardly, it resembles an ordinary amphibian, only it has 3 legs, red eyes, a coin in its mouth, and a large chariot design on its back.Made of various materials, the most effective amulet is gold.

Amulet to attract luck and money with your own hands

Esotericists believe that natural amulets, or made from natural materials, are endowed with the greatest power.The simplest option is to draw the required symbol on a piece of paper. The more complex ones involve the use of metals (gold and silver are particularly precious for magical purposes), fabrics or threads, precious stones, wood, leather.

An amulet with the Algiz rune could be a good option with a strong effect. You will first have to purchase a wooden blank of the desired shape, already prepared and sanded. These can be purchased at any craft store.The creation progress looks like this:

DIY amulet
  • Drill a hole in the top for a string, if it was not provided for in the purchased item.
  • Cut the paper molds into the shape of wooden blanks.
  • Draw on the sheet. It can be the traditional Algiz ᛉ rune with a simple image or its decorated version. You can add an ornament along the outline of the piece.
  • Glue the patterned paper to the wood with a glue stick.
  • Scroll through all drawn lines.
  • Sand, remove paper scraps and existing irregularities.
  • Treat the face and sides of the amulet with the stain of the chosen tone. After they are dry, cover the back wall.
  • Pour a little linseed oil into a saucepan, heat it (preferably in a double boiler), lower the amulet. Turn periodically to soak all parts evenly.
  • Dry for several days until the oil is completely absorbed.
  • Pass a rope, thread or string made of natural fibers (for example, linen) through the holes.

The drawing can not only be burned, but also cut out on wood or applied with paint and a thin brush. In this case, the design is placed directly on a piece of wood and not on a paper stencil.

Creating a talisman to bring luck and wealth to the home

To attract luck into the house, you can make a horseshoe with your own hands.Amulet creation process:

amulet for good luck
  • Purchase an empty wooden space.
  • Trace the outline on thick cardstock. You can draw a horseshoe on cardboard by yourself, without a wooden blank, if you have the ability to draw.
  • Cut a piece of string about 2m long.
  • Tie two ends together to form a closed thread.
  • Draw part of the thread under the horseshoe, pull it out in the central depression.
  • Thread the second part of the thread into the "loop" and tighten firmly.
  • Bring the noose under the horseshoe again, pull it out. After that, slip the other end into it and tighten.
  • Continue wrapping from the center to the left edge of the horn.
  • Cut another 2 m of string, join the ends. Wrap the second half of the horseshoe in a similar way.
  • Instead of using this twine cover option, you can apply glue or double-sided tape to the cardboard and simply lay the twine on it, tightly against each other.
  • Take notes for extractions.
  • Cut the bill in half, fold one part to form a square, cut off the excess.
  • Fold the petals according to the scheme, glue the 2 sides with glue.
  • Make 5 pieces, glue them together. Cut the sharp base so it can be attached to the horseshoe.
  • Cut another bill in half, fold one piece like an accordion, fold in half and glue the surfaces together. Do the same with the second part.
  • Glue the flower and the coins.
  • Attach an accordion fan to either side of the flower, the same on the other side.
  • Hang the finished amulet above the door.

How to choose an amulet according to your zodiac sign

Esoteric objects can be collected according to the horoscope. The most suitable options are presented in the table.

Zodiac sign Element Elemental Talisman Amulet by sign Good luck stone
Aries Fire Dragon Chinese coins with red ribbon, Slavic bull's head, Scandinavian runes, gold square amulets Diamond, cat's eye, zircon
Leone Fire Dragon Imperial coin, ladybug, kolovrat Rock crystal, ruby, amber
Sagittarius Fire Dragon Horse, horseshoe, dragon, phoenix, Belbog, amulets with runic or Slavic characters Turquoise, rhodolite
Cancer Water Goldfish Turtle, elephant, crystal, round glass objects, silverware Aventurine, diopside, pearl, emerald
Scorpio Water Goldfish Scarab Beetle, Dragon, Black Silver Amulets Variscite, garnet, topaz
Fish Water Goldfish Goldfish, Chinese coins Emerald, coral
Taurus Earth Elephant, clover Dragon, elephant, bull's head Aventurine, agate, turquoise, variscite, malachite
Virgo Earth Elephant, clover Ladybug, clover, amulets of natural materials Aventurine, rhinestones, jade, onyx
Capricorn Earth Elephant, clover Turtle, Frog Coin, Imperial Coin Quartz
Gemini Aria Ladybug Golden key, snake, dragon, amulets drawn on paper or made of wood Agate, variscite, rhodonite
Balance Aria Ladybug Ladybug, omamori, bronze and copper objects Malachite, rhodonite
Aquarium Aria Ladybug Talisman goldfish, key, square or polygonal Pomegranate, chrysoprase

Conspiracies and activation of amulets for wealth and good luck

Natural talismans do not need to be activated, they have magical properties in them from natural elements. It is permissible not to apply "awakening" to amulets made by you. They already know their teacher and his thoughts, which are worth implementing.

For those items received from another person or purchased, it is necessary to empty the stored energy and then activate them.

The object is washed under running water, brought to the forehead, then to the lips and it is told who is now the owner and what is required of the amulet.

You can also use conspiracies to activate. The text can be any, the important thing is that the meaning of the desire is clear. For example, you can use the following conspiracies: